Establishing industry standard helps to lay a foundation for prompting sulphur fertilizer


International Forum on China’s Sulphur Fertilizer Demand and Regulations co-hosted by China Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Association, China Sulphuric Acid Industry Association, & The Sulphur Institute was held in Beijing recently. On the forum, 10 issues were discussed, including the current sulphur fertility in China’s soil, sulphur fertilizer’s important role in agricultural production, & relevant standards and policies on sulphur fertilizer in China. Besides, demand, policy and development trend of sulphur fertilizer in North America and India were also introduced on the forum.

On the forum, testing of effective sulphur in the soil and the experiment situation of sulphur application from 18 provinces of China were presented. The conclusions are, the deficiency of sulphur in China’s soil is getting increasingly serious,; sulphur’s role in increasing yield and improving product quality in agriculture is even more important; and applying sulphur fertilizer has been included in soil testing and formula fertilization campaign.
